Not another starfish episode...

Apparently my dog is a little sick and got a little sick while we were away. Not only did she drop bombs all over my aunt's house, but apparently when my sister was watching her, she tore up their apartment too. I'm telling you, my dog is vengeful. If you haven't heard my Starfish Story, it's a doozy! On valentine's day 2005, I came home to a sick dog who had apparently eaten an old, dried up starfish. I thought I had smelled the worst Beau could offer...until today.
So what do you do to clean up runny dog crap??? Good question, I'm open for suggestions (hopefully none of you have ever had the experience, but if you have, you gotta share.)
We ended up renting a carpet steam cleaner and running that over the 3 piles of dooky, and that seemed to work alright.
Anyway, the trip was awesome, the boarding was sweet, the snow was bitchin', and I went snowmobiling for the first time and that was incredible! I highly recommend doing that sometime in your lifetime, if you haven't done so already.
Quote de jour - Take a deep breath before you loose your cool and do something stupid.