b 2pacavelli: Half Baked


"A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once"

Friday, January 06, 2006

Half Baked

Well...It's January 6th already.

The only thing I don't like about the Holidays is the let down when they're over. After all that runnin' and gunnin', balls to the walls, craziness is over, what are you left with? Some ham or turkey that stinks up the fridge? No! you're left feelin' like a beached whale, unable to move. An article on Witi.com gives 11 useful tips on allowing yourself to get enough sleep, so you don't suffer the empowering feeling of trying to do your job, while you're exhausted.

In closing I would like to dedicate a quote to a few people I work with..."Fuck you...Fuck you...Fuck you...You're cool...Fuck you, I'm out!"


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