Not another starfish episode...

Apparently my dog is a little sick and got a little sick while we were away. Not only did she drop bombs all over my aunt's house, but apparently when my sister was watching her, she tore up their apartment too. I'm telling you, my dog is vengeful. If you haven't heard my Starfish Story, it's a doozy! On valentine's day 2005, I came home to a sick dog who had apparently eaten an old, dried up starfish. I thought I had smelled the worst Beau could offer...until today.
So what do you do to clean up runny dog crap??? Good question, I'm open for suggestions (hopefully none of you have ever had the experience, but if you have, you gotta share.)
We ended up renting a carpet steam cleaner and running that over the 3 piles of dooky, and that seemed to work alright.
Anyway, the trip was awesome, the boarding was sweet, the snow was bitchin', and I went snowmobiling for the first time and that was incredible! I highly recommend doing that sometime in your lifetime, if you haven't done so already.
Quote de jour - Take a deep breath before you loose your cool and do something stupid.
At 3:31 PM,
~A4O~ said…
I like your post...
When you get a chance you should visit my blog at
I have over 32 poems, some in audio, awesome illustrations and pictures to help capture your eye. Don't be affraid to scroll down near the bottom of the page. You'll find your horoscope and a "Today in History" for your viewing pleasure. You'll also find some of my favorite pieces of work, like the poem "Words" and "No Evil."
I hope you enjoy and please come back soon. Thanks and have a good one, Mike. A.K.A-The Scribe-
At 7:14 PM,
fantast bouyah said…
aw man, that is funny but it is not. just think of each pile as mounds of love from your dog...or something. makes you want wood floors, huh :)
At 8:52 AM,
Big T said…
That's a good way to look at it fantast. I never thought I'd miss the wood floors, especially the sound when Beau's nails would "clip-clop" at 5:30 in the morning, but you gotta take the good with the bad.
At 8:52 AM,
Big T said…
Thanks scribe, I'll check it out.
At 7:19 PM,
Megan said…
A starfish?! Oh my god, that's awesome.
At 11:14 AM,
Big T said…
I don't think the word "Awesome" is what first came to mind during either circumstance, never the less thank for the comment Megs :)
At 6:51 PM,
Megan said…
"Starfish Shitter." Could be a good band name...
Shit aside, you gotta admit that eating a starfish is the most random thing ever. And in my book, random = awesome.
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