New Year's Resolution

My other favorite new year's resolution is the one to quit smoking. Good for you, but can you actually do it this time. Over 60% of people that try to quite smoking, fail. I'm not a betting man but I don't think I'd take those odds. I have a suggestion for you people, just do what I did. Substitute smoking with another addiction or another form of tobacco. It's a lot easier to quit when you have something else to fall back on, and I bet over 90% of people who follow in my footsteps, would be able to quit smoking just like me.
Now, if you're struggling with picking a resolution, already have one and have broken it, already planning for 2007, or if you're just interested in the most popular new year resolutions, check this out. Good luck to all of you trying the intricate feat of sticking to your new year's resolutions, I'll be stumbling my way through '06 right by your side.
Quote de jour : Most people look forward to the new year, for a start on old habits.
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