b 2pacavelli: March 2006


"A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once"

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Mini Vans

I'll start off by admitting that I'm not the easiest person to deal with in the morning...OK, so I'm pretty much an ass...

Well, this morning I actually saw something that made me laugh. I pulled behind a mini van with an OCC sticker in the back window. Ha! Awesome! Even though your a dad and you have 75 kids, you're still rockin' out like you did before entering parenthood. Hey, sometimes that's the direction life takes you...trust me...and it is much better than the alternative.

Quote de jour - "Don't tell your problems to people; 80% of them don't care, and the other 20% are glad you have them." - Lou Holtz

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

It's about damn time

TJ General's warning: Reading this may be harmful to your health. I'm about to let out some much needed venting and anger. IF pregnant, please do not proceed with this post...

So, you ride my ass about not being committed to my job for months on end. You try and get me to quit. You tell me I'm not (insert company name here) material. You tell me you don't know where my head is at. After that doesn't make me blow my brains out like Kurt Cobain, you go out and get tracking software to get some facts about how people are performing and what they're doing all day.

Whoa!? What is this?!?!?! He is actually doing his job and kicking ass at it. What, he's even having fun doing it? This can't be, his department doesn't like him, they think he messes around all the time in other departments, however he's kicking their ass at nearly every aspect of the job! This is a new concept they say, maybe we should re-think the people we're bringing on board.

THEN, you come to me and want me to train all the schmucks you hired based on what would be a good fit for your company. It's like teaching 5 year-old little T how to do my job. If you want people to bust ass and grow your business, you're going to have to hire people on their work ethic, not only if they "fit in" with your company. "Get on the bus, or get off" is what I've been told. It's about time you look at some of the other people and ask them that very same question. Maybe you're scared because if you treat half the people here like you've treated me the last 6 months, they'll break down and start crying. You're eating your words right now aren't you, then you come looking to the guy that you told doesn't fit in here for help. That's a little ass-backwards, isn't it? Look at all the top performers, do they fit the (insert company name) mold? I don't think so, maybe you should re-evaluate and not look to me to turn 4 people that suck, into good, hard workers. It just can't be done. I better be seeing some additional $$$$ in a couple months, maybe even a promotion for putting up with your bullshit?

Ahhhh, and that's that...

Quote de jour - "Say what's on your mind, you'll feel a lot better in the end." - Yours truly

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Deep thoughts...

It's like looking in the mirror

Self realization is a tough thing...

It's hard to do...

It can be good or bad...

It can make you feel somber or worthless...

Keep on living life to the fullest...

Quote de jour - Just look to the right --->

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

"My Fast" doesn't want to work today...

My dog ate my homework...

My kid is sick and has a doctor's appointment...

I forgot to set my alarm/I set my alarm for 6:00 pm, instead of 6:00 am...

These are some of the excuses that are atop my excuses hall of fame.

Gotta love the pimp-ass aviator lenses Volkswagon is flooding the TV waves with their extremely annoying, yet clever, "my fast" GTI commercials. I know you all have seen them. My favorite is the one where the husband is sittin in the car with his "go fast",little koosh ball lookin' thing, sitting in the passenger side. The man's wife comes up to the door and knocks on the window to let her in, then his koosh ball pipes up and subliminally tells him "My fast doesn't like the extra weight, it will affect the handling", and he attempts to relay that to his wife. I'm not an expert on this issue, but I don't think I would ever bring up weight to any woman, especially one I want to sleep next to at night.

Instead of a quote today, I found this video and had to share ...it should help you get through your day. Office space aint got nothing on this guy!!