b 2pacavelli: April 2008


"A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once"

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A picture's worth a thousand words

Whoever said a picture is worth 1,000 words, must have known about this fishing shop in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

To make this even more ironic, HE WAS ON HIS HONEYMOON. That's good for a laugh or two...

Chris & Julie Watson, 4-18-2008. I love you guys!

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Monday, April 28, 2008


Finally, I found something in Oklahoma that reminds me of home.

For a weekend I felt like I was young again, running around in Boulder, Colorado. Groovefest was held here in Norman this weekend. It was a mix of folk rock + soul music = Awesome! I had the opportunity to hear one of my friends, Kevin Watson, play again and he rocked it as usual. If you have 15-20 minutes, and are a lover of good music, give a listen.

Groovefest is an annual music festival held at Andersen Park in Norman, OK. It's a platform for many local bands/talent to come showcase their skills. If you ever plan on visiting Norman, try and plan to make it during Groovefest. You won't be disappointed!

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Monday, April 21, 2008


LOL...What the f*** does that mean anyway.

Honestly, I use it all the time and have no idea if it means: Laugh out loud, lots of laughs, laugh over the limit, or whatevs.

So we got this new video camera about a month ago, and have been having some serious fun with it. Here is a little something that we're captured, for those of you who know my son, I guarantee you will LOL.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Pick your poison

So, last night I woke every hour to extremely loud thunder and rain. I also had a scarred 7 year old elbowing me in the ribs or kicking my knees every 10 minutes. Needless to say, today I'm tired and a little bit grouchy.

However after talking to my co-workers in Colorado, I could have woken up to snow, and had an hour long commute to work today. That doesn't sound any better, and I'm sure I would have been pissed when I got to work if I had that commute. Either way I look at it, I've just gotta pick my poison.

At least I work from home and I can rock out to guitar hero if I get too frustrated.

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Welcome to the free world

I'd like to take a minute to acknowledge my future son, Toby Jackson Ponder. He'll be joining us around the beginning of September, and I can't friggin' wait!!!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Nascar Rocks

I can't believe I'm admitting this...but I started watching NASCAR about a month ago, I mean really watching it, and I love it!!! I don't know if it's just the mid-west wearing off on me, but I can't seem to get enough of it.

Until next time...drink a Budweiser and watch some NASCAR :)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Good Music

Thanks to Fantast for sharing this. It's good to see Denver get on the map, musically. I'll be following this group on their journey, it should be an interesting one.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Baby Names

So tomorrow is the day L and I find out whether we're having a little boy or a little girl...and I couldn't be more excited.

However, I'm nervous, because after tomorrow, we'll have to start deciding what name to pick for a child. Unless you've done this before, I don't think you realize what kind of weight this carries. This is something your child will carry around with them for the rest of their life!

I hope it doesn't turn out something like this.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

April Fools

I'm back, sorry I've been slacking...

In case you haven't heard, Jay-Z and Beyonce are getting married....or so they report. I'm going out on a limb here and calling April Fools. The marriage license was obtained on Tuesday, April 1, coincidence...I think not. Maybe it's my sick sense of humor, but it would be hilarious if it was just a joke. Who knows, maybe one of them is releasing a CD soon, it's good publicity.