b 2pacavelli: October 2007


"A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once"

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

NY Jets VS Cobra Kai

I think I've figured out what happened to Cobra Kai's Johnny Lawrence and NY Jets QB Chad Pennington. They've both been non-existent for years!

Did Chad exchange his karate gi for a NY Jets uniform? S-C-A-R-Y

After all, hasn't Chad been hurt year after year? Karma bitch! You sweep the leg, and you are gonna pay. Who would have known Daniel Larusso would have caused that much damage back in 1984?

Still freaks me out to see the pictures side by side.

Quote De Jour: "Put him in a body bag....yeahhhhhh!!!!" - Cobra Kai Flunkie

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

For my friends

I have met many people during my journey through life...I dedicate this to those friends that may need some inspiration. Just remember, for every dark night there is a bright day that follows. So no matter how hard it gets, keep your head up....and handle it.

Quote de jour: Remember.....and hold the good times close.