b 2pacavelli: March 2008


"A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once"

Monday, March 31, 2008


So this weekend I got inked up again, here's a little glimpse. It was the least painful one so far, which I was surprised about.

PS-Tesla Rocks!


Saturday, March 29, 2008

365 days...

I missed a day yesterday, damnit! I'm back today, and better than ever...

I just want to share with you quick, a new job I'm tackling over the next 365 days. I was inspired by this Chevy commercial I saw a few months ago. I'm not going to shave my head (usually I keep it bald) nor cut my beard for 365 days. I'm also going to take a picture everyday to track the progress. I'll post some pics along the way, stay tuned and pray for me to have self-control, because it's not going to be an easy task.

Have a good weekend, talk to you soon.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Kissing @$$

How many times does his picture get taken in the middle of his backswing... OK, I've got a rant...change the station if you get offended easily.

I'm tired of kissing ass all day long. Unfortunately in my line of work (sales), ass kissing is a requirement. L and I have a funny saying we like to use that is clearly relevant here, "shut up......please". I have trouble finding the fine line of being genuine, and not kissing ass. After the recent talks of athletes exploding and cursing during competition, I find it hard to believe I'm the only person who struggles with this. A line must be drawn in the sand.

I'm usually good at seeing the glass both half-full and half-empty, at the same time, so it's easy for me to see this from both sides of the fence. If a TV station wants to put a mic in an athletes face immediately following the heat of competition, they should be ready for what follows. Should Tiger have dropped the f-bomb and threatened bodily harm on the next photographer who took a picture, probably not but this is his livelihood, his job. If someone came to me during work and distracted me and it affected my outcome, of course I'd be pissed. The difference here is I don't have a microphone in my face all day...and that God for that.

Ahhhh....I feel better now :)


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Careful what you wish for

Alright, so I'm doing good, after today 3 down...12 more to go...

The days of living in an apartment...Sharing walls, walking up and down the stairs just to get to your car, hauling groceries up 2-3 flights of stairs, putting the leash on the dog to take her out, and the list goes on and on.

This morning I found myself awake early, I'm still cleaning up from the ice storm we had this winter, still raking up leaves in the yard, cleaning out the garage, and getting ready to fire up the lawn mower for the summer. After working for nearly 2 hours on this (and barely making a dent) I realized living in an apartment definitely had it's perks.

It's funny how "the grass is always greener on the other side." The same thing holds true when I talked about working from home. The point I'm trying to make is always try to find the good in the bad (something that I've never been good at) and cherish what you have. Try not to covet what thy neighbor has (Exodus 20:17).

1 love

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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

2 in a row...

FuuuuuckHow 'bout that!!! 2 in a row, I'm on my way...

Have you ever been so frustrated at work, that you've felt your blood pressure rising...I mean really felt it? It seems to be a daily occurrence for me. I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place...I love working from home, however need to be around people.

I'm living the good life, working from home, wearing shorts and cut-offs to work each day, and I have no commute to and from work. Sounds good right? That's what I thought when I first transferred from working in the office in D-town, to my home-office in the OK. However each and every day I find myself yearning for contact...not not "E.T. phone home" type of contact, just personal contact. I found out real quick, that I'm a person who feeds off the emotions and comfort of people.

If you've got a job that you love, please do share with me. Tell me what you like about it, what it is that you do, and how long you've been doing it. Who knows, you might inspire me, or better yet, give me some of that personal touch that I've been lacking.

2 down...13 more to go...

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Monday, March 24, 2008

Back in the game

OK, so I've been catching a little slack for not posting as much as I have in the past. So now I'm inspired, and going for 15 posts in 15 days. Hey, it's not much, but you gotta start somewhere.

Also, I'll be shooting for another milestone in 15 days...Sobriety, stay tuned.

Outside of this being March, and the NCAA tournament in full swing, I just had a birthday...yes, the big 28. I don't know if that has prompted the "better myself" attitude, or if I "had a slice 2 slices of bad pizza, went to bed, and grew a conscience!" None-the-less, I think inward evaluation and trying to better one's self, continually, is a GREAT thing. After all, we were put on this world to L-I-V-E.

So, next time you look in the mirror, really look into the mirror and try to find something inside yourself that you can make better. Trust me, everyone will benefit from the change, but most importantly, YOU WILL!

C ya 2morrow...

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Friday, March 07, 2008

Just for you