b 2pacavelli: June 2008


"A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once"

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Video of trip to Houston last month

Went down and saw my sister and her family last month, and was FINALLY able to put together a video. Enjoy.

Cool beans.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

3 years ago...yesterday

...I woke up a single 25 year-old guy, living with one of my best friends, nervous as hell, thinking of how I was going to ask this new girl at work out on a date.

3 years ago...yesterday...so much has changed. I woke up then trying to figure out how to get rid of the previous night's hangover...

yesterday I woke up trying to figure out how to make my step-son's day more enjoyable, and how to be a better dad...

...things change

Her name is Laura and today we're celebrating our 3 year-1 day anniversary of our first date. I remember that day like it was yesterday, hell it seemed like it was yesterday, where did the time go???

There's a perfect song I hear yesterday on the radio and I'll warn you now (if the thought of Country music makes your stomach turn, view no further). I just love music that tells a story, you won't hear much of that these days. It doesn't matter if the artist is wearing a hat backwards, forwards, sideways, or if it's a cowboy hat, good music is good music. Enjoy!

Laura I love you babe, I can't wait for the next 3 years...10 years...25 years...50 years...

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