b 2pacavelli: 3 years ago...yesterday


"A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once"

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

3 years ago...yesterday

...I woke up a single 25 year-old guy, living with one of my best friends, nervous as hell, thinking of how I was going to ask this new girl at work out on a date.

3 years ago...yesterday...so much has changed. I woke up then trying to figure out how to get rid of the previous night's hangover...

yesterday I woke up trying to figure out how to make my step-son's day more enjoyable, and how to be a better dad...

...things change

Her name is Laura and today we're celebrating our 3 year-1 day anniversary of our first date. I remember that day like it was yesterday, hell it seemed like it was yesterday, where did the time go???

There's a perfect song I hear yesterday on the radio and I'll warn you now (if the thought of Country music makes your stomach turn, view no further). I just love music that tells a story, you won't hear much of that these days. It doesn't matter if the artist is wearing a hat backwards, forwards, sideways, or if it's a cowboy hat, good music is good music. Enjoy!

Laura I love you babe, I can't wait for the next 3 years...10 years...25 years...50 years...

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  • At 7:32 AM, Blogger Laura said…

    I love you, too! Thank you for all our memories, I can't wait to make thousands more. :)


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