b 2pacavelli: January 2007


"A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once"

Saturday, January 13, 2007

You gotta see this!!!

I got your pelvic specialty care right here biiootch! I only have one thing to say...and about 100 bad jokes I could say, but I won't do either.

(See sign to right)What is this ? Is this the new politically correct way to say handicapped? Is this what our world has come to? If so, that's just ridiculous, almost as ridiculous as THIS parking spot being the ONLY spot NOT plowed in the entire parking lot! In fact, there is where all the snow is being piled. Unbelievable!

If I'm jumping to conclusions about the politically correct theory, I apologize. Let me ask this one question...Where do I set up my pelvic specialty care examination. Back in my single days, I'm sure that sticker/license plate indicator they give to all their patients, would have helped me get a lot more action back in my single days...welllll, maybe not quite as much. It could go either way :)

Quote de jour: .....I got nothing to say, so I will take my momma's advice and say nothing at all.


Thursday, January 04, 2007


Mindless thoughts....

If being a parent was easy, everyone would do it...
The joys of life are in the little things...
Wondering why I yearn so strongly...to be accepted.
Regrets...self medication...addiction...
A heavy heart creates...a heavy mind...longing...
If life was easy everyone would do it...
Afraid of losing what you have...yet losing what you're afraid to have...
