Man...Life is hard when you have 2 dogs, a girlfriend, and a kid. Especially one with as much energy as T. I came to realize very quickly that living my own life, on my own time, doing whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, was coming to a sudden halt.
Don't get me wrong, I love the life I have right now, with my 2 dogs, girlfriend, and son, but it's definitely an adjustment. I also realize, especially after picking T up from his dad's Sunday night, that T is definitely better of with us. We pulled up to pick T up from his dads and there he was, standing out in the bitter cold weather, with no gloves on. Quickly he ran into our car and got buckled up. I couldn't figure out why he had hurried so much until I got into the car and saw his nose running and looking like Rudolph the red nosed reindeer. Then we saw his hands, they were freakin' purple...."That ain't right" I thought to myself.
Then after reading the custody agreement we dropped off on Friday, one that L and T's dad had agreed upon, I really lost it. There was more corrections and modifications on it than were original text. Not only do you want us to pick him up every Friday after school and bring him up their house, they want us to come by again on Sunday night and pick him up then. Plus, they're going to let us know on Wednesday of every week, if they're even going to take him for that weekend! "That aint right"...

Well I guess we tried. We compromised and they compromised (then they compromised to their compromise). I told L, if it's hardball they want to play, then it's hardball their going to get. FYI...when I was pitching in college, they used to call me "Wild Thing". You better duck yo' ass out the way, foo! I'm throwin' bombs!
In closing, if you don't want your son and only want him "a minimum of 1 weekend per month, and a maximum of 3 weekends per month", then just let us have him and pay us to raise him. I don't mind raising your son for you, brah, but you better provide us with a little more than 2 Kroger (generic version) macaroni and cheese, 3 "healthy" fruit snacks, 4 juice boxes, and a ton of candy, for his "groceries" all week. Do you want him to grow up and be a pencil-neck like you? Fuck off brah, I'm done playing your games. See you in court...PS-Child support is due tomorrow, shit for brains!
Quote de jour - "We know what T likes to eat, that's why we're not paying you to buy groceries for him. We'll provide him with adequate food for the entire week"...however send him home with 2 boxes of generic ass mac'n'cheese, 4 juice boxes, and a ton of candy. BRILLIANT!!! Schmuck