b 2pacavelli: June 2006


"A coward dies a thousand deaths, a soldier dies but once"

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Yes it's true...

So on June 9th, 2006 I made the biggest decision of my short life, asked the woman I love to marry me...that's right...marry me!

...to make a long story short, she said yes and L is offically my fiance (with the fancy little thing above the e) and I've never been so sure about anything in my life. She is my other half, and I never thought I'd meet someone like her. It's a really, really gay line, but she completes me.

Well that turned into an long story. What can I say...

Quote de jour: "Here's to the new chapter..." - Yours truly

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Proud Pappa

So today I got my first "proud pappa moment". My little man T swam from one end of the pool to the other...without any help and without his water wings. For those of you that don't have kids, water wings have the same effect that the security blanket had. I know you all remember your security blanket, stuffed animal, or bottle. For me, it has always been a security bottle, beer bottle that is :).

Quote de jour: "Take a step back. Time flies, enjoy the moments of today." - Me

Friday, June 02, 2006


(My son picked out the picture)

P.O.S....That is what I feel like right now.

Where did I loose touch of what was important? Better yet, why? Tonight I read L's blog (for the first time in a couple weeks) and I have to admit, I felt like a P.O.S. I mean, I knew she was feeling very stressed out the last couple weeks, hell we all have, but I had no idea the true way she was feeling.

What does that say about our relationship you may ask...the fuck if I know. I think it means that I have lost track of what is really important to me. But what have I replaced it with, nothing that I can think of. That's even worse, am I turning into my dad? That's my biggest fear as a person. Literally, everyday I wake up and one of my objectives is to not be like my fuckin' P.O.S. father. That bastard left a wife of over 20 years, and 3 kids ages 5 , 10, and 15...for what, a fuckin' korean whore(I sincerely apologize for the slander).

Alright now I'm pissed...and rambling. I'll spare you all the psycho-babble-bullshit...at least the rest of it.

Quote de jour: "One can survive everything, nowadays, except death, and live down everything except a good reputation." Oscar Wilde