Giving thanks

Secondly, I've had some up-and-down, mixed feelings today about the upcoming holiday. Tomorrow's holiday. This year I think I'm going to call it Day of Giving Thanks, because all of us need to be giving thanks for how wonderful our mothers are, were, and will always be.
Thirdly, I'd like us all to take a moment and either: Call your mom. Text your mom. Email your mom. Talk to your mom. And remember how lucky we all are to have our mom's play such an incredible role in our lives. Not only today, yesterday, or last week, but last year, when you graduated from high school, the first time you fell down and skinned your knee, the first time you can remember her telling you she loved you, and forever. Personally, I was raised by a single mother, and I wouldn't be the man I am today, without the love and support she gave me through all the good years...and the bad years. So to my mom I'd like to say, "Thank you so much for taking care of me, putting up with me, and sticking by my side through thick and thin. I am so very grateful for you on this Day of Giving Thanks. I love you so very much."
Lastly, I write this email with a heavy heart for someone I know. Someone that is very close, and means a lot to me. Someone that has had a lot of influence on my life, and will be someone I will call a genuine "pal" for the rest of my life. I never got a chance to meet his mom, but judging by the person that he became, I'm sure she IS/WAS/AND ALWAYS WILL BE an incredible, marvelous, amazing, outstanding woman(and all the other spectacular adjectives you can think of.) My heart goes out to you on this tough day. I know it's gotta be hard on you. If you need someone to talk to, you know the number. Love you bro.
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